Everyone involved with Newport County AFC is saddened to learn of the death of club president David Hando BEM following a period of illness at the age of 84.

As all Exiles supporters will know, David was one of the key figures in the reform of the club in 1989 as Newport AFC.

He was chairman of the reformed club for the first nine years of its existence and was inducted into the club’s Hall of Fame in 2015, the same year he was awarded the British Empire Medal for his services to football and the wider Newport community.

David continued to follow his beloved County home and away until recent weeks, and to run the Subscription Draw – a valuable source of income to the club.

A former teacher, David was a Newport councillor for many years representing the Liberal Democrats.

When County won promotion back to the Football League in 2013 after 25 years, David reacted famously with just two words: ‘Mission accomplished.’

The club’s thoughts and prayers are with David’s widow Mary and his family.

The club will be issuing a full tribute to David tomorrow