Nelson Jardim | Winning home games is important


Head coach Nelson Jardim dedicated his side's victory to the hard work of his players and staff after they defeated Accrington Stanley 3-1 at Rodney Parade.

An own goal and strikes from Courtney Baker-Richardson and Aaron Wildig inspired the Exiles to their second consecutive win since March 2024.

“I'm very pleased with the win,” said Jardim. "Winning home games is important in this league. 

"Credit to Accrington, they are a good team, they made it very difficult for us.

"I think this is a win off what as staff we've been doing and the players, they are the ones who have to get the credit.

“I think Accrington created too many chances but luckily we were ruthless. 

“We know not every game is going to be like that so now we must come back next week and improve.”

Jardim wanted to take a moment to praise another impressive performance from Bobby Kamwa but also stressed that these individual performances are only possible when they’re supported but their teammates.

“Bobby Kamwa is an important player but it is the team that allows him to show his extra quality, we didn’t find him as much as we would have liked in the first half and we suffered because of that,” Jardim continued.

“The fans will always love players like Kamwa but like I said today it's because of the team so we must give everyone the credit they deserve.

“We have a young squad so there is a lot of work to do but I’m lucky that they’re such a good group.  

“The senior players are helping, the younger players are eager to learn and improve so there is a good vibe at the training ground every day.”