UPDATE: Matchday Visits

We have now had the go ahead to have match day visits, where children can be flag bearers and have a half time kick about.

Some things have had to change to comply with EFL covid rules on the pitch. However, this will be a great opportunity for your club to be represented. And best of all be included in the live action of a match day as Newport County AFC’s special guests.

All over 18 must have Covid Passes: https://www.newport-county.co.uk/news/2021/october/club-statement-covid-passes/

Please note: we request for this visit to be a representation of your whole club, not per team, as we would not like to disappoint later in the season due to demand.

There are a few details that we will need as you will see below.


  • Name of Club/School:
  • Lead Coach/Teacher:
  • Contact Number:
  • Contact Email Address:
  • No. of Active Participants:
  • No. of Additional Children:
  • No. of Coaches:
  • No. of Additional Adults:
  • Preferred Date of Visit:

Other Dates – If First Date is Unavailable:


Please email us at office@newport-county.co.uk with any questions.