County Lotto Information

Head to the County Lotto website to find out the weekly results.

In line with the launch of our new website last week and to ensure Lotto players have access to the results as quickly as possible, we have made some changes to how the results of the weekly County Lotto draw will be announced online.

The County Lotto results (along with information on how to join) are available at  This can be accessed by entering the web address ( into your search engine, or clicking on the "Fans" tab on the Newport County AFC website and following the links to the County Lotto page.

The County Lottery website is updated every Thursday as close to the Lotto draw as possible and will allow County Lotto players to obtain each week's draw results at the earliest possible time.

Don't miss out on your chance to win up to £1000 with the County Lottery.  Get the app and play along today.


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