Chairman’s Update| Huw on transfer window

The chairman offers an update to supporters following the conclusion of the January transfer window.

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Exiles supporters for giving me such a warm welcome to the football club following the EFL’s acquisition approval last week.

I am extremely grateful for the messages and the kind words I have received, especially walking around Rodney Parade during the FA Cup tie against Manchester United on Sunday.

I was asked to speak to a packed hospitality lounge before kick-off and I could feel the pride and passion you have for your football club. As I’ve mentioned before, I will work as hard as I can as majority owner and chairman to make you even prouder of Newport County over time.

It is going to take some time to implement everything we want to do, so please be patient as there is a great deal of work ahead of us. But that hard work starts now.

One of the areas I will be looking to improve immediately is our open communications to supporters. Hence, this first club update.

I felt it was important to explain our thinking behind the January transfer window, which closed last night.

We were obviously delighted to add Luke Jephcott to our squad earlier in the window and look forward to him making his debut for the club. 

With other members of the squad close to full fitness such as Kyle Jameson, Declan Drysdale and Offrande Zanzala, plus Omar Bogle returning in a couple of weeks, there was not such an urgent need to chase further signings in January.

It was also important that we allowed the current squad to build on the consistent performances, momentum and positive run of results attained over the last couple of months. 

I can also confirm that we turned down a number of written offers for our top goalscorer Will Evans during the window, together with discussions with clubs on the availability of other first team players and our appetite to sell.

It was encouraging to know that one or two of our players are attracting the right kind of interest, which can only be good for the club in the long term. 

Timing is critical when deciding and negotiating a potential transfer. When buying or selling, it’s not just about getting the right deal, but also being fully prepared for the decisions you make.

Making sure your squad is strengthened and not weakened is the key to everything. I know that might seem obvious but, believe me, at a lot of clubs that’s not always the case. 

We did allow Nathan Wood to go out on loan to Cork City for the rest of the season. We felt it was important he gets some much-needed game time so that he can continue his development and return to us in the summer in good spirits and ready for next season. 

With the transfer window closing, it always settles everything down and allows everyone to fully focus on the season ahead.

The challenge is to finish as high as possible in League Two - and finish the season with positive momentum to take into the next campaign.

Again, thank you all for your support and kind words.
