Academy Watch | First Year Scholars Introduction

A huge warm welcome and formal congratulations to our thirteen new First Year Scholars who have signed scholarship terms with Newport County AFC and will become part of the Under 18 programme.

Achieving scholar status is a significant milestone and since returning for their induction at the end of June, the latest cohort have integrated well. Alongside training full-time, the scholars will continue their academic studies through the club’s partnership with the LFE and have also recently begun their personal development mentoring programme which will provide additional opportunities to develop as young men. A proud achievement for all and a challenging, but exciting journey ahead.

Here are the first year scholars for the 2023/24 season:


Adam Davison 

Adam joined the Academy at the end of the U16 season from Bristol City where he played within their academy system. Adam can play multiple positions across the defensive line, both as a full-back or a centre-back. He is a good 1v1 defender and enjoys every element of defending.

Bailey Hopkins 

Bailey is a local lad who has been with the Academy since it was a category four academy. Bailey, who joined at U11 in the Foundation phase years, is a goalkeeper and has already been involved in development game squads.

Corey Evans

Corey also joined the academy ranks at U16, having played most of his academy football at Bristol City. Corey is an attacking midfield player who looks to join attacks and has already featured in first-team pre-season and development games.

Fraser Needham 

Fraser is a goalkeeper and has been with the academy since he was an U11 in the foundation phase. Fraser first joined the academy when it held category 4 status and is another local player who has progressed through the age-groups during its entire category three journey.

George Jones 

George joined the academy from Swansea and is a left-sided defender. George has demonstrated that he can play as both a centre-back and as a full-back. George is technically very comfortable with the ball and can attack and defend 1v1.

Jac Norris

Jac is a very skilful and creative midfield player. Jac loves to attack the opponent and enjoys going 1v1. Jac often plays in attacking positions within the midfield and first featured for the U18’s last year as an U16.

Morgan Evans

Morgan is a very athletic wide player who can play on either side. He’s already played as a full-back, wing-back and winger. Morgan is incredibly dedicated to his game and is a strong 1v1 attacker and defender. He covers ground well and loves to get into 1v1 positions.

Moses Alexander-Walker 

Moses decided to join the academy during the U16 season after spending his childhood as a Bristol City academy player. Moses can play a variety of attacking positions and has also featured for both the first team and the development team during pre-season this year.

Nelson Sanca 

Nelson is the latest to join the group following a successful trial period during pre-season. Previously, Nelson played his youth football at Canton FC and has demonstrated he is a powerful and dominant defender.

Orphee Bony 

Orphee joined the academy at U16 and is a dynamic and direct forward. He spent most of his schoolboy years at Swansea City before joining last year. Orphee represented the U18’s last year as an U16. Orphee enjoys attacking the space behind and can cover ground quickly.

Riley Lonergan

Riley has been with the academy since he was an U11 in the foundation phase. Riley, a graduate of Lliswerry High, has been involved frequently in the U18’s when he was an U16 player and has recently been involved with the first team in pre-season as a scholar. Riley is an exciting and talented midfield player who can attack the opponent in 1v1s.

Sam Watkins 

Sam has been with the academy from a young age, his first season was at U11, and he’s played many positions since joining the academy. Sam commonly plays within the defensive unit and can play multiple positions at wing-back, full-back, and centre-back.

Tom McCallum 

Tom is technically a very competent midfield player. He is happy to receive the ball under pressure and can support his teammates with his leadership qualities. Tom played last year in the U18 squad and has already featured in development games and first team training.

The scholars will be doing a lap of the pitch at half-time tomorrow (Newport v Barrow), make sure you give them a warm welcome to Newport County AFC.