From the Archive: A Dominant Away Day Win

Harrogate Town is one of the longest away days of the entire League Two campaign. There are 235 miles between Rodney Parade and The EnviroVent Stadium, which, without a stop, will take a solid four and a half hours.

Fortunately, sometimes these days have a way of rewarding your loyalty, and that is exactly what happened on August 27th last season when County made that long journey up to Yorkshire. 

We wasted no time hitting the ground running, with Omar Bogle converting from a tight angle in the fourth minute to give us the lead. Just five minutes later, Harrogate’s Kayne Ramsey put the ball in his own net to give us the 2-0 lead in less than ten minutes. 

County fans were in dreamland, and things didn’t stop there. Thierry Nevers grabbed his first for the club in the 22nd minute, putting us three to the good and sparking further celebrations in the away end. 

Omar Bogle then decided we hadn’t had enough fun in the first half, striking his second of the game to give us a 4-0 lead on the stroke of half-time. It was a first-half performance for the record books, with County dazzling the opposition with some of the best football played all season. 

In the second half, we decided to take it easy and let the game play out, securing our second successive win of the campaign after failing to win in any of our first four games. It also marked our second straight 4-0 win over Harrogate, having defeated them by the same scoreline in January in the previous season.