Mental Health Awareness Week

Newport County AFC are proud to support Mental Health Awareness Week (15th – 21st May 2023) especially as this year’s theme is Anxiety.

It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious from time to time. Anxiety is our body and mind’s natural response to a situation we are not sure about or feel threatened by. Feelings of anxiety may appear, for example, when we:

  • Have upcoming events
  • Are due to change schools
  • Are having problems with friends or family.

Although it might not feel very good at the time, anxiety is 'doing its job' as it helps alert us to do something about the situation, for example, to get revising! When the situation is resolved (for example, we have sat our exams or have sorted out an argument with a friend), we usually feel less anxious.

However, sometimes our anxiety hangs around for too long, keeping us alert when no threat is present. This is when anxiety can start getting in the way of our everyday lives and the things we enjoy.


More information can be found at 6 ways to cope if you’re feeling anxious | Place2Be


If you're feeling overwhelmed and need to talk:


For further information or support please contact