Wellbeing Wednesday: January 25

It is so important that we look after our mental health, like we do our physical health.

If we had a broken leg, we might need surgery, a plaster cast and physiotherapy, yet if we are struggling with our mental health, we often think that we must just get on with it, and do not afford ourselves the due care, support, and attention that we need.

There are a few basic things that we can be doing to support our overall wellbeing, by eating well, staying hydrated and taking part in daily activity, along with sleep that can all affect how we feel about ourselves.

On Thursday 16th February, County in the Community will launch ‘FIT Exiles,’ which is about eating well, moving more, and being socially connected to help lead you to a healthier lifestyle.

During the 13-week FREE programme, with the support of your coaches and your fellow fans, you will learn how to make better choices to make long term improvements to your lifestyle and health. You will improve your knowledge around healthy eating and take part in activity sessions tailored to suit you.

To join ‘FIT Exiles’ you should be:

· Aged between 35-65 years old

· Have a BMI of 28+

· Have a waist measurement of 38 inches (males)/31 inches (females)

The sessions will take place at Rodney’s Bar at Rodney Parade.

Female cohort: 5pm-6.30pm

Male cohort: 6.30pm-8pm

To express your interest in the programme or for further information, please contact David Lewis here: fitfans@countyinthecommunity.co.uk