Wellbeing Wednesday: 11 January

Here at Newport County AFC we care about your wellbeing. That's why this Wednesday we have included some tips and coping mechanisms on anxiety. #ExilesHereToListen

Anxiety and panic attacks affect many people and often can come out of the blue. They can make you feel very frightened, like you are going to pass out, or in some extremes feel like you are dying.

Anxiety is a feeling of stress, panic or fear that can affect your everyday life physically and psychologically.


Physical symptoms could include:

- Faster, irregular or more noticeable heartbeat

- Feeling hot

- Sweating

- Breathlessness

- Chest pains

- Feeling dizzy or lightheaded


Mental symptoms could include:

- Being unable to relax

- Sleep disruption

- Loss/increase appetite

- Difficulty concentrating

- Fearing that the worse will happen


If you feel dizzy or light headed, please sit down. Ask a friend, family member or colleague to stay with you to keep you safe and help offer reassurance.

It might be worth keeping a journal to help you identify particular triggers.


You could try this grounding technique:

· Look around the room and name 5 things that you can see right now

· Name 4 things that you can touch right now

· Name 3 things that you hear right now

· Name 2 things that you can smell right now

· Name 1 thing that you can taste right now


Deep, slow and controlled breathing is also known to help, where you can breathe deeply to the count of 5, and then slowly breathe out to the count of 5. Keep repeating until the panic/anxiety attack has passed.


It is important that you speak to someone if you are experiencing anxiety. You are not on your own.

· You can contact your GP

· The Samaritans Tel: 116123

· NHS 111

· Text the word ‘SHOUT’ to 85258

· The Mix (for under 25s) Text ‘THE MIX’ to 85258