As it's Wednesday, Newport County AFC are here to provide you with your mental health tips for the next seven days...

Wednesday 7th  - It’s Wellbeing Wednesday. Make a list of all of the things that you enjoy doing. Then choose to do at lest two this week to help to boost your wellbeing

Thursday 8th – Be willing to share how you feel and ask for help when you need it from a trusted person

Friday 9th – Be kind to yourself as you would a loved one

Saturday 10th –  World Suicide Prevention Day. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and we know that suicide is preventable. If someone is feeling suicidal it may be hard to get through to them. They may feel distant or distracted or disconnected from the world and their own emotions. Asking someone directly if they are having suicidal thoughts can give them permission to tell you how they feel.

If you are concerned for someone’s immediate safety, then please take the person to the nearest GP or A&E department.

If you are struggling with your thoughts, then please do talk to someone who can help and will listen to you. You are not on your own.

There are organisations who can also support, such as The Samaritans Tel: 116 123 or The Mix for Under 25s text THEMIX to 85258

Sunday 11th – Life can be overwhelming at times, give yourself permission to say ‘no’

Monday 12th – Get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost