Message to Supporters: Manager Recruitment Process

The Board wanted to share the process with supporters it undertook in the appointment of our new manager Graham Coughlan.

Our Sporting Director, Darren Kelly led the process and was supported by Paul Trollope who has acted in an advisory capacity, drawing on his many years of experience within the game.

In essence, the club adopted a two-stage approach with the 26 applications it received.

Firstly, there was a long list drawn up where applications were assessed against our requirement(s).

The long list of candidates were invited to a zoom interview with Darren and Paul.

Here, Darren and Paul took the candidates through a process where they could get an understanding of the applicants and their suitability for the managerial position.  

From here, there was a shortlist created. The shortlist was recommended to those Board members who were going to be involved with the face-to-face interviews.

The face-to-face interviews were held with the delegated club group of Gavin Foxall, Paul Marks, Shaun Johnson, Peter Madigan, Mike Everett, Mark Crook and Darren Kelly, who were all part of the panel.

Alongside the interview stages, a robust due diligence exercise has been undertaken throughout each step of the process. This covered all those that were part of the second stage of the interview process.  

The full Board has been involved throughout the process with all members being made aware of all applicants.

Those not involved in the face-to-face interview process have been kept updated throughout.

Our thanks go to Darren and Paul for their handling of the recruitment exercise.