Hate Crime Awareness Week

Newport County AFC is proud to support Hate Crime Awareness Week. A national week of action to encourage communities, local authorities, police forces and other key partners to work together to raise awareness and tackle local hate crime issues.

What Is Hate Crime?

Hate crime is when someone is targeted for their Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Transgender Identity, or Disability. Other aspects of a person’s identity can also be targeted.

Hate crime can be any offence or incident such as graffiti, vandalism to a property, name calling, assault or online abuse using social media.

Under hate crime, there are 5 categories of identity:

  • Disability
  • Race or ethnicity
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity


Newport County AFC work hard to create a safe and inclusive environment for all, and will not tolerate abuse of any kind. We are proud to be an ally and will take action when we hear or see something that isn’t right. We will report it to the police and support victims in doing so.

In Wales, the Wales Hate Support Centre is available 24/7. Their free independent and confidential support can help you to cope and recover from the impact of a hate crime. They can also report to the police on your behalf. You can report a hate crime by contacting Victim Support on 0300 3031 982 or email hate.crimewales@victimsupport.org.uk  

Victims or witnesses of a hate crime can also report directly to the police by calling 101, or in the case of an emergency by calling 999.

If you witness or are the victim of a hate crime within our stadium, please also report this to the nearest available steward, who will be able to help and support.

Throughout our other Club activities, please report it directly to the lead Coach or by email to safeguarding@newport-county.co.uk


You can find out more about Victim Support and the support available by visiting www.reporthate.victimsupport.org.uk