#WellbeingWednesday May 25

This week is 'National Conversation Week.' Time to put down the mobile phones and step away from the computer screens to have an actual conversation with each other. It is the best kind! It doesn't involve emojis or swiping right. Get to know someone or catch up with a friend that you haven't seen in a while.

Thursday 26th May - Make a note of everything that you are grateful for, so that you can re-read them when life seems a bit unfair

Friday 27th May - Think of a short term, medium term and long-term goal that you would like to achieve. It doesn't have to be extravagant, just something that is important to you.

Saturday 28th May - Pop your favourite tunes on, wind your windows down in your car and go for a drive to the coast. Listen to the waves crashing on the shore, feel the breeze in your hair and the sun on your face.

Sunday 29th May - Reflecting on the goals that you set yourself on Friday, make a note of the steps that you need to take to achieve your goals. If you can - put some dates of what you are going to achieve, by when, and the steps that you need to take to achieve them. Remember to ask for help and support where needed.

Monday 30th May - Take the opportunity to read to a younger sibling, child or grandchild. Perhaps read them one of your favourite stories from when you were younger.

Tuesday 31st May - Try a new recipe for dinner. Make it as colourful as you can with lots of fresh seasonal veggies. If the weather is nice - why not sit outside in your garden to eat it and watch the sun set