As it's Wednesday, we are again on hand to provide you with daily mindfulness ideas to get you through the next seven days.

Wednesday 8th June -  We know that life can be fairly stressful at times, so have a go at this free Mindfulness course from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board https://www.bemindfulonline.com/abuhb-registration           

Thursday 9th June -  Start a mid-year memory jar. Get a pen, a jar and some post it notes, and write each new memory on an individual post it note. On New Year's Eve, you can sit and read all of the amazing things and laugh out loud moments that you may have forgotten about throughout the year.

Friday 10th June - This year's transfer window is now open! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up to date with who will make the 2022/2023 team.

Saturday 11th June - Plan and enjoy a picnic with your family and friends. Take a look at the clouds with your young ones and see what shapes the clouds make

Sunday 12th June - Curl up in your favourite chair, with your favourite book and lose yourself in it for an hour or two

Monday 13th June - It is Pride Awareness Month! We are an all-inclusive community club, who welcomes everyone to our game. If you are someone who needs help and support in being able to attend a football game, please contact County With Pride or our Supporter Liaison Officer - office@newport-county.co.uk. If you need help or support to come out to your family and friends, then please do reach out for help and support. Many organisations such as Pride Cymru, Mermaids and Stonewall are amazing. 

Tuesday 14th June - Today is the start of Diabetes Awareness Month. Check out the help and support that is available from JDRF, a charity that raises funds for research to improve lives and one day eradicate the condition for good. https://jdrf.org.uk/information-support/newly-diagnosed/