Wellbeing Wednesday: June 15

This week is National Blood Donor Week and we would love to highlight the fantastic work of @WelshBlood (Welsh Blood Service).

Your blood donations play a vital role in saving lives every day by supporting a range of treatments, from blood cancers, people who have suffered blood loss in accidents, and newborn babies and pregnant mums to name a few. The Welsh Blood service relies on donations from blood, platelet and bone marrow donors to support patients in need.

Doing a good deed like donating blood will make you feel good about yourself, knowing that you are helping others. Even if you have not donated before, or you are a veteran at donating, visit https://welsh-blood.org.uk/ to find your nearest donation session.

Thursday 16th – Think about a time recently that someone has done something kind for you and send them a thank you note to show your appreciation.

Friday 17th - One week to go until the next season fixtures are released! Think about which away days you would like to do, are there any stadiums that you have not yet visited, but would like to?

Saturday 18th – Take time to laugh. Laughter helps to reduce anxiety. Spend some time with a funny friend, watch a comedy, or go and watch some live comedy.

Sunday 19th – Be a tourist in your own town or city and see what fantastic attractions there are to see or visit

Monday 20th – Make a note of three things your have achieved recently. It doesn’t have to be anything huge. If all you can do is get up, make your bed and have a coffee - then you have still achieved something that day and they are all positive steps in the right direction.

Tuesday 21st – Think about something in your life that you would like to improve. Rather than being daunted at looking at how far a journey that may be, just focus on the first step, and plan what you need to do to achieve it.