Wellbeing Wednesday: July 6

As is tradition on a Wednesday at Newport County AFC, here are this week's wellbeing tips for the week on #WellbeingWednesday!

Wednesday 6th July - Adopt a growth mindset. Change 'I can't' into 'I can't yet.' When you are feeling low is it is difficult to be motivated, and we will think that we can't achieve which is why a growth mindset is so important. 
Thursday 7th July - Do your best to let go of the small stuff and focus on the things that matter the most to you
Friday 8th July - Find something to look forward to. This could be relaxing in a nice warm bath, sitting out in the sunshine watching the world go by. 
Saturday 9th July - Shift your mood by doing something that you really enjoy
Sunday 10th July - As we prepare for the week ahead, it can feel overwhelming. Be willing to ask for help when you need it. 
Monday 11th July - Put a problem into perspective by seeing the bigger picture. Often by doing this, it can help us to expand our thinking and some problems do not feel as intense as a result
Tuesday 12th July - Make a pledge to get the basics right: eat well, exercise and go to bed on time. All three can make a significant difference to our overall wellbeing.