Wellbeing Wednesday: July 27

As is tradition on a Wednesday at Newport County AFC, here are this week's wellbeing tips for the week on #WellbeingWednesday!

Wednesday 27th July – The feeling loss of control is one of the main causes of stress and lack of control. When you feel this way, make a note of what you feel that you can control and what you can’t. There will be things that are total out of your control, such as what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, but you need to let them go. Focus on the things that you can control and make positive change, that will satisfy you, not anyone else.

Thursday 28th July – Exercise won’t make your stress disappear, but it will reduce some of the emotional intensity that you’re feeling and help to clear your mind. Try to go out for a walk.

Friday 29th July – Avoid unhealthy habits. Don’t rely on alcohol, smoking and caffeine as your ways of coping. It might provide temporary relief, but it won’t tackle the cause of your stress and the additional caffeine may interrupt your sleep patterns further, causing longer term issues. Reach out an talk to someone for support.

Saturday 30th July – It’s the first day of the new season! Newport County AFC v Sutton United. Connect with friends, catch up and enjoy the game. Safe journey to those who are travelling to Sutton to watch the game. Good luck to James and the team – we are all behind you!

Sunday 31st July – Volunteering helps individuals to become more resilient, and to feel happier in themselves for taking positive action by helping and supporting others.

If you would like to volunteer for us at Newport County AFC, then please contact office@newport-county.co.uk for further information.

If you don’t have time to volunteer, then try and do someone a small favour each day. It could be as simple as helping someone to cross the road or helping a colleague with a task.

Monday 1st August – Look for the positives in life for which you’re grateful. This could be a roof over your head, family that love and care for you, great friends. Being able to wake up and see another day, feel the sunshine on your face and hearing the birds sing. It is so easy to miss the simple things, but make a note of three things today that you are grateful for and reflect on what they mean to you.

Tuesday 2nd August – Challenge yourself. Set yourself a small goal for the week ahead and note how you feel when you achieve it.


Have a great week Exiles!