Wellbeing Wednesday: July 20

As is tradition on a Wednesday at Newport County AFC, here are this week's wellbeing tips for the week on #WellbeingWednesday!

Wednesday 20th July - Remember, when change feels scary, that you have naturally gone through change regularly in your life and probably dealt with it very well. Moving house, changing schools, having younger siblings, having a new pet, going on holiday. They are all things that you have taken in your stride, and it is important to remember that change can be a good thing. 
Thursday 21st July - School summer holidays are now upon us! Plan how you will spend your time with friends, children and grandchildren. Lots of fantastic free activities happening throughout the summer. Check out Newport Parent Network on Facebook for more information. 
Friday 22nd July - Some year 6 school leavers may find the thought of high school quite daunting. A great activity to help them feel more positive about the prospect of high school is to get some post it notes, and write two lines of individual notes. Writing one thing on each note, adding things that your child is looking forward to, and things that they are worried about. (The top two usually amongst children are getting lost and being bullied). Pop them on the back of the door or somewhere where your child can see them, and when they are ready, they can choose one thing to talk about, so that they can build strategies with your support, so that that area that was a concern, can now move over to the positive side. The post its can move back and fore as much as they like, but it is important that your child remains in control about when they wish to speak about it. It would be great to start now, so that they have time over the holidays to adjust and feel calm and excited about embracing their new high school adventure!
Saturday 23rd July - Newport County AFC play their final pre-season friendly today against newly promoted Forest Green Rovers. Join us at the New Lawn!
Sunday 24th July - The weather is due to be lovely again today, so stay hydrated, wear your hats and suncream and spend some time outdoors getting connected with nature
Monday 25th July - Extra Time is a relaxed social activity group for the retired and semi-retired people across Newport to come together to help tackle isolation. The Extra Time Hub runs at Rodney's Bar at Rodney Parade from 11am-1pm. For more information, please contact lauren.daniels@countyinthecommunity.co.uk or call 01633 251246.
Tuesday 26th July - Only four more days until the start of the 2022/2023 season. We can't wait to have you all join us for the season ahead.