Wellbeing Wednesday: July 13

As is tradition on a Wednesday at Newport County AFC, here are this week's wellbeing tips for the week on #WellbeingWednesday!

Wednesday 13th -  A great stress reliever is playing sport. Have a think about which sport you would like to get involved in. It could be football, netball, hockey, rugby, cricket, golf, or something a bit gentler like heading out for a walk each day.


Thursday 14th – Connect with others. If you are feeling stressed or you have worries on your mind, open up and talk to someone that you trust. They do not have to have a resolution for you, but just having someone to simply listen can be hugely beneficial. If you would prefer to chat to someone anonymously, then please text SHOUT to 85258


Friday 15th – Make the most of the day and spend an hour on the beach at Weston-Super-Mare before watching the 1st team in action in their friendly at Weston-Super-Mare.


Saturday 16th – If you are struggling to sleep with plenty on your mind, try keeping a notebook and pen next to your bed, so that you can jot it down and get it off of your mind and enable you to get a good night’s rest.


Sunday 17th – Today is going to be a hot day! Go out for a walk, take a picnic with your family under the shade of a tree. Enjoy swimming in the sea or a river, but please stay sun and water safe. Use plenty of sun cream and stay hydrated.


Monday 18th – Listen to your favourite music. Depending on the mood that you are in, this could be something quite calming, or something really loud with a heavy base. Sing along really loud!


Tuesday 19th – Connect with nature. Spend some time outside. Be that a cooling walk in the woods with your dog, feeling the twigs snap underfoot, taking a walk in the park or spending some time in your garden.