Newport County AFC – 2022/23 Player Sponsorship Event

Newport County AFC is excited to announce a 2022/23 player sponsorship event.

Player sponsorship is important to the commercial well-being of the club. To show our appreciation, Newport County AFC is hosting its first player sponsorship event for the sponsors from last season.

Newport County AFC would like to invite last season’s player sponsors to join us at Rodney Parade on Tuesday, July 19th.  Sponsors will get the opportunity to meet the manager, listen to a live interview by BBC radio Wales and have a first view of the complete squad numbers for the 2022/23 season.

The event will start at 17:30 in the Bisley Suite and there will be parking available. Attendees are welcome to bring a guest and food and drinks will be supplied. On the night, sponsors can place a bid to sponsor their preferred player for the 2022–2023 campaign.

Further information on the event will be emailed out to sponsors along with their tickets on Wednesday, July 13th 2022.

For more information please contact