Wellbeing Wednesday: December 14

Mental health in men is still a taboo subject. There is a perception that men have to be big and strong both physically and mentally and just get on with it, when in reality 1 in 4 people struggle with their mental health, and suicide remains one of the biggest killers amongst men between the ages of 18 – 55.

We have all been through a lot in the past few years, coping with a global pandemic, socially distancing form our loved ones, working from home to keep everyone safe, refraining from our usual social activities, some have experienced job losses, lost loved ones and now into a cost-of-living crisis which brings its own worries and concerns.

Everyone has mental health, however it is how we cope with life’s stressors which is how this can turn into poor mental health. It is important that we continue to remove the stigma, to talk openly about it, and to provide support to each other. If we broke a leg, we would have x rays, possibly surgery if required, we would have to rest, take it easy and undertake some physiotherapy, so why do we not afford ourselves the same self-care to look after our mental health?

Four key areas that can help to support our overall wellbeing are getting more sleep, eating healthily, getting some exercise and having a consistent routine.

Ellis Redman – Wellbeing Ambassador at Newport Live is leading the Healthier Happier Men’s Project with the next 12 week course starting in January 2023. This is aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing with men who are physically inactive or socially isolated.

The project uses a range of interactive and needs-led approaches as well as provide a safe, non-judgmental space for men to socialise and speak openly about their mental health.

Sessions take place on a Monday and Thursday evening. Mondays will focus on a range of topics including healthy eating, habit change, improving routines and how to get better sleep, whereas Thursday’s sessions offer participants the opportunity to partake in a range of fitness sessions which will also encourage non-exercisers to take positive steps for health and wellbeing.


To find out more about how you can be involved, please contact Ellis via email HHMProject@newportlive.co.uk