Wellbeing Wednesday: August 24

It's Wednesday! And in the world of Newport County AFC, that means we're here to provide you with some wellbeing tips for the next seven days!

Wednesday 24th – If you struggle with sleep, then try these helpful tips:

  • Get into a good routine, by going to bed at the same time each night. This will help your body clock to adjust and get into sleep mode more easily.
  • Take time to relax before bedtime. By limiting screen time, and reading a book or listening to music can help to relax you.
  • Avoid caffeine or sugary drinks before bed, along with alcohol and smoking, as these are all known to affect your sleep pattern.
  • Remove any excess brightness from your room and use ear plugs if needed to block out any noise.


Thursday 25th – Connect with others and talk about how you are feeling.

By reaching out, this will help to reduce the feeling of loneliness and improve your mental health and wellbeing.


Friday 26th - Do something for yourself today. This could be a favourite hobby or learning a new skill, or just having a nice long soak in the bath.


Saturday 27th - Safe journey to everyone travelling to Harrogate today. Don’t forget you can follow along on EFL Digital. Good luck to James and the team!


Sunday 28th – Plan your week ahead and think of two things that you are looking forward to, and one thing perhaps not so much. What will you do to overcome the feeling of dread? How can you change it into a more positive experience?

Monday 29th – We are getting ever closer to our children returning to school.

Some may be feeling incredibly nervous about doing so. A great tip is to use sticky notes, and encourage your child to write one thing on each one, that they are looking forward to and that they are worried about.

Place these somewhere that they can easily see them in rows, with the good things lined up under a smiley face, and worried under a sad face.

Allow your child to choose one worry at a time to talk about. Help them to think about how it could become a more positive thing for them.

The two biggest worries children have when moving to high school for example, is getting lost and being bullied.

So help them to know where they can go to for help, and a person that they can talk to about any worries they have in school, for example – a Head of Year, form tutor or wellbeing lead. They may be worried about getting into trouble or being targeted further, but please reassure them that a trusted adult can always listen and support them.

For more help with bullying please visit www.kidscape.org.uk

Tuesday 30th – Celebrate yourself today! You deserve to! Look in the mirror and tell yourself three things that you like about yourself