Post Walsall Investigation: UPDATE

A club statement following Investigation with regard to Walsall fixture

Following extensive enquiries by Newport County AFC and Rodney Parade Stadium into the missile throwing at Saturdays League 2 game with Walsall  we can confirm the following:


A male has been identified as being responsible for the missile throwing.  The CCTV has been viewed and the footage clearly captures the incident and the offender. This evidence will be handed over to Gwent Police.


The male will be banned from attending matches at Rodney Parade pending the police investigation. Following the outcome of the police investigation, the length of this club ban will be determined.


The pitch must remain safe for players, managers, and match officials, just as the stands should be for supporters. The EFL are bringing in strong measures across the whole of football to tackle antisocial and criminal behaviours within grounds. The football club and stadium are committed to protecting the game, and enforcing these measures.