Michael Flynn pre Bradford City

Manager Michael Flynn believes the squad that he has assembled this season is the strongest during his time in charge of the club.

The Exiles boss brought in 11 new faces during the summer window, including the deadline day additions of three loanees - Aaron Lewis, Jamie Devitt and his namesake Proctor.

Flynn has managed to assemble a well-balanced side this term with the experience of Kevin Ellison, Padraig Amond, Devitt and Proctor complementing the younger players - Brandon Cooper, Scott Twine and Saikou Janneh - in the squad.

He has a plethora of options to call upon for the 2020/21 campaign, and praised the strength in depth of his squad, which he feels is the strongest that he's managed. 

“I was looking at the boys who didn’t play on Tuesday in yesterday’s training session," said Flynn.

"And the quality of the session was probably the best I’ve had from a non-starting team since I’ve been here. 

"You've got the likes of Scot Bennett, Kevin Ellison, Robbie Willmott, Jamie Proctor and Padraig Amond. Those players are fighting to get into the team and the standard was really, really high.

"That was so pleasing for me because it shows they are all pulling in the right direction and working as hard as they can to get into the starting 11.

"I still think that we should score more goals because I’ve been critical of that, but what we are doing now is creating a lot - it’s like chalk and cheese compared to last season.

"We’ve got a six-week period ahead of us which is going to be very tough, so we’ve got to find the right time when we bring two or three out and put the others in. Hopefully they will come in fresh, full of energy and keep us going."

The games are coming thick and fast for Flynn's men, who now face four games in the space of 11 days, starting with a trip to his former club Bradford City on Saturday.

But Flynn insists that the strength of his squad will ensure County have a sufficient amount of options if he needs to rotate. 

"We've got a tough schedule, and it’s a long trip to Bradford," added Flynn.

"It's non-stop and we have a real tough set of fixtures, but we want to get through to November in a healthy position.

"It's a tough period but that's why we’ve got a slightly bigger squad because of the fixtures in the condensed season. We knew that there were going to be a lot of games in a short period of time, so we’ve prepared for that.

"We have had a good start but we have a very, very tough six weeks ahead of us."