Exiles Here to listen world mental health day

Newport County AFC are proud to be supporting World Mental Health Day, which is observed each year on 10th October.

The mental health charity Mind's latest research revealed that more than 60% of adults and over two thirds of young people (68%) felt their mental health deteriorated during the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown. That is why, as a football club, we believe that every day is a mental health awareness day.

We are supporting Mind's 'Do One Thing' campaign and want to encourage everyone connected with Newport County AFC to start conversations about our mental health. We would like supporters to tell us what they will do for their mental health or to support others by sharing your videos and using the hashtag '#ExilesHereToListen'. You can watch our 'Do One Thing' video here.

Michael Flynn's men will also show their support for World Mental Health Day by wearing Mind t-shirts for their pre-match warm-up before Saturday's game against Cambridge United at the Abbey Stadium.


Social interaction, which is essential during these unprecedented times, has gone digital due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, so we've engaged with supporters via online calls. A group of lucky fans were able to watch the Exiles' 2-1 win against Mansfield Town earlier this month via Zoom with defensive duo David Longe-King and Kyle Howkins.

Kevin Ellison, who has been vocal in raising awareness of mental health after opening up about his previous struggles, was also confirmed as the club's mental health ambassador on Friday.

Kevin Ellison discusses the importance of raising awareness

Ellison spoke about the importance of raising awareness of mental health ahead of World Mental Health Day.

Mark O'Brien speaks to ITV Wales about his troubles after being forced to retire from football 

Former Exiles defender Mark O'Brien, who was forced to retire from football earlier this year due to a heart issue, recenty sat down with ITV Wales about how talking has helped his mental health.

If you need support for your mental health, the following charities and organisations can provide help and further information for you.

My Discombobulated Brain: www.mydiscombobulatedbrain.com

Mind: www.mind.org.uk

Heads Together: www.headstogether.org.uk

Shout: www.giveusashout.org

Time to Change: www.time-to-change.org.uk

Samaritans: www.samaritans.org