Manage social distancing and wellbeing

The outbreak of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom has forced many people in our community to socially distance themselves due to loved ones being part of the vulnerable categories, yet more have had to isolate with symptoms of the pandemic to protect the wider public.

As part of #MentalHealthAwareness week, we wanted to remind #NCAFC fans of the options available during this difficult time. With this lack of interaction comes mental health issues such as anxiety and if this situation continues for the foreseeable future it could develop into depression (usually with other factors included).

Below NCAFC supporters can find some key information that could help during this period of self-isolation and social distancing:


Mental Health Awareness

As a club we produce a weekly calendar in partnership with club charity partner My Discombobulated Brain, County in the Community and the Newport County AFC Academy. You can check it out below or on our social media pages every Wednesday morning


In addition, the NHS has shared some Mental Health apps that are available to download on mobile devices. Some are free of charge and covers topics such as breathing exercises for panic attacks, managing self-harm, improving wellbeing and getting a better night’s sleep. Click here to access them online.

We can all play a part in keeping our spirits up whilst being physically isolated from those we enjoy spending time with; there are plenty of methods to ensure we can stay in touch through modern apps to the good old fashioned landline telephone.

Over the last few weeks the club will have and will continue to be introducing initiatives to encourage socialisation and interaction with those outside our four walls.

If you know of anyone who doesn’t have a particularly large support network, or maybe they just struggle being cut off from the wider world.

If you know of anyone who would be in one of the categories named above, please contact the club on with the person’s name and contact details.

Staying Healthy

Below is a list of the vulnerable categories from NHS Wales Online (March 17th, 2020):

  • Aged 70 or older (regardless of medical conditions)
  • Chronic (long-term) respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis
  • Chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
  • Chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), a learning disability or cerebral palsy
  • Diabetes
  • Problems with your spleen – for example, sickle cell disease or if you have had your spleen removed
  • A weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS, or medicines such as steroid tablets or chemotherapy
  • Being seriously overweight (a BMI of 40 or above)
  • Those who are pregnant

In this uncertain time, we need to look after each other and our community; we use the #OneClubOneCounty hashtag and this is the time to demonstrate that so that when we are able to watch football again together, we will appreciate each other and the sport we love even more!


Helpful Resources

Anxiety UK (services are available: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 5.30pm excluding bank holidays):

  • Telephone: 03444775774 · Email:
  • Live Chat Advisory Service: Available during office hours, via the website.
  • Text: 07537 416 905


  • 0800 1111
  • Young Minds Crisis Messenger Text YM to 85258

The Mix:

  • Freephone: 0808 808 4994 (16:00-23:00 daily)

(Courtesy of EduCare Learning Ltd)