Academy staying positive in lockdown

As an Academy, we have tried to remain positive, support our players and staff during these unprecedented times.

We have continued to follow guidance from the Government, EFL and FAW with the health and safety being priority for everybody involved with the club. Whilst the lockdown period has been challenging, the Academy have used it as a time to reflect and plan as we continue to grow as a Category 3 academy.

For players, there has been continued support from our club doctor with expert advice and guidance around COVID-19; nutritional plans, physical programmes and advice from our Sport Science team; session ideas and challenges set by our technical staff and a wellbeing calendar developed with tremendous psychological support by our Safeguarding team.


As expected, this period has caused significant uncertainty and therefore communication with the parents, players and staff has been integral.  Video calls with those key people have been supported on occasion by Michael Flynn making an appearance for our younger players to offer fantastic support and motivation during this difficult situation.


We look forward to welcoming all players back on extended deals with fresh motivation and a new beginning for when football does return, whenever it is safe to do so. Until then, we will continue to support everybody to stay safe and well during what is a difficult time for all.



Academy Manager