wfd postponed

Following the latest Government advice concerning the need for social distancing to help combat the spread of the coronavirus, the organisers of the Newport Walk for Dementia 2020 have collectively agreed to postpone the event.

Newport County AFC, Newport Live and Alzheimer’s Society Cymru feel postponement of the event planned for Sunday, April 5, is the only responsible option as a result of the recent developments and uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus pandemic.

With the additional pressure placed on the health service at this time we appreciate the decision not to support large events with emergency services in attendance.

The Walk for Dementia would have required the attendance of St John Ambulance personnel and we believe their time and expertise could be better served supporting the NHS. All partners would like to place on record their thanks all the emergency services for the job they do to keep our communities safe and well.

Entry fees will be refunded on request. However, we would encourage any participants that have already successfully raised sponsorship money to please hold on to any funds raised until it has been decided if a rescheduled date can be announced.

This decision has not been taken lightly, but the organisers collectively agreed this is the best and most responsible course of action for the health and safety of our communities. Please contact if you have any further queries.