efl day of action 2020

Take a look at the Gallery above to check out how NCAFC's County in the Community recently marked the 2020 #EFLDayOfAction by focusing on EFLT (English Football League Trust) programmes!

From 10am until 12pm on the 2020 #EFLDayOfAction, the following took place:

  • Planning was carried out by USW/EFLT/CITC – University Foundation Degree Students in Community Football Coaching and Development.
  • Somerton and Lliswerry Primary Schools sent 60 pupils – They joined in various Sport, Move and Learn Activities (Football, Dodgeball/Games and Handball - EFLT) delivered by
  • Dan Williams (programme lead for Sport, Move and Learn) delivered activities at the clubs Training base and oversaw a tour of the facility to 4 groups totalling around 60 children.  
  • Delivery – Staff and Volunteers from the CitC College Programme – EFLT/CEFA (Community and Education Football Alliance) they helped deliver all activities.

From 1pm until 2.30pm on the #EFLDayOfAction:

  • Friendly football matches between We Wear the Same Shirt, Walking Football and BOYS/GIRLS College Programme.

Norman Parselle, Chief Executive Officer of County in the Community, said: "There were lots of smiling faces and some brilliant feedback from teachers/participants and parents on what was a terrible day, weather-wise. During the day approximately 100 people took part in the activities with around 40 spectators."

Want to find out more about the excellent work of the County in the Community? Click here to visit their official website.