Introducing Alzheimers Cymru

Last week we launched our Newport County AFC Crowdfunder, to raise money for the front of shirt sponsorship and for three wonderful charities - Alzheimers Society Cymru, JDRF and Kidscape. This week, we will be introducing each charity, and sharing more information from each charity across the 8-week campaign, for you, our supporters to learn more about each one, and help you to make an informed vote.

Today, we are delighted to introduce Alzheimers Society Cymru.

Chances are we all know someone who has or been affected by dementia; it’s the UK’s biggest killer. Someone develops it every three minutes and there’s currently no cure, creating a scary period facing up to and accepting it, but we must confront the biggest health and social care challenge of our time.

Alzheimer’s Society Cymru is part of a UK organisation that is facing dementia head on, working with us all to build a movement to lead the way in support, society and research. There are 5 main facts about dementia that we should all know:

· Dementia is not a natural part of ageing

· Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain

· It’s not just about losing your memory

· People can still live well Dementia

· We are here for anyone affected by Dementia

Covid-19 is a dementia issue. Older, more vulnerable people are at a significantly increased risk from the virus. We are adapting quickly to ensure that people affected by dementia have the support they need.

For more information on Alzheimer’s Society Cymru please visit