Running man visits Rodney Parade

Runner, Nathan Richardson, today visited Rodney Parade in the next steps of his big charity challenge.

Fans attend Rodney Parade in various different ways. But not many will make the same choice as Nathan and run a total of 2500 to visit the stadium! 

Rodney Parade will be the 26th stadium that the running man challenge has visited on his quest to visit every ground in the football league.


Speaking to Nathan on the challenge he said "I set off from Chepstow this morning and Rodney Parade will be the 26th stadium on my route around all the grounds. I am staying in Newport tonight and tomorrow will set off on my journey towards Cardiff and then on towards Swansea"

Speaking to County in the Community representative Liam Jenkins who completed the last mile of the challenge to Rodney Parade alongside Nathan said "Nathan got in contact with us over at the community and we were more than happy to help out. I met up with him at Magor and from there helped run the last few miles alongside him to give him that extra push!"


To find out more about Nathan’s challenge or to donate please click here.

Follow Nathan's journey on his social media platforms:


Good luck on the rest of your journey, Nathan!