JDRF Campaign 4

This week JDRF share how they support children who have been newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

A diagnosis of type 1 in the family can be a difficult and traumatic time for everyone involved. We’re here to make it just a little bit easier.

You can find out more here - https://jdrf.org.uk/information-support/newly-diagnosed/support-newly-diagnosed-children/.

We also have webpages available in Welsh here - https://jdrf.org.uk/cymru/


Show your support for JDRF: donate to the Newport County AFC Crowdfunder campaign and YOU can choose JDRF UK to be the lead sponsor for their next season’s shirts!

Chris Bright, Wales Futsal International, JDRF supporter and founder of The Diabetes Football Community, explains more: “I just wanted to send a message to show my support for JDRF in the Save Our Shirt campaign being run by Newport County AFC. JDRF have done a huge amount of work for people with Type 1 Diabetes, like me, in developing a treatment pathway, pushing for greater access to technology and furthering the research around the condition, as well as hopefully one day helping us all by finding a cure.

For me, football means an awful lot. I have had a part-time career in it and had the opportunity to represent Wales in Futsal. So, for an opportunity like this, where we can hopefully get JDRF on the front of a professional football shirt. I think we should all get behind it and I urge anyone who hasn’t yet put any money into the pot to cast your vote for JDRF. Please, please, please get behind them and get involved in this campaign.”


Photo credit @Sameoldsmiths