JDRF Campaign 2

Hello, we are Abi and Miranda, and we represent JDRF in Wales. Abi is our CommunityEngagement Officer, supporting the community across the Midlands, South West and Walesand has a family connection to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Miranda, who lives withtype 1 diabetes, is our Regional Fundraiser in Wales.


JDRF UK is here for everyone affected and connected to type 1 diabetes. There are over 18,000 children and adults in Wales living with type 1.

In the area, we're investing £1.5 million in research led by Prof Colin Dayan at Cardiff University to accelerate immunotherapy clinical trials - so new treatments to cure and prevent type 1 diabetes can get to people faster.

JDRF also run outreach events and give support to children, adults and families living with type 1 across Wales by:

• Delivering community events, enabling families to gain the support and information they need as well as meeting other families affected by type 1

• Connecting to diabetes clinics across Wales, so that JDRF can be there to support families from the point of diagnosis, through their journey with type 1

• Giving support to our fundraisers and supporters across Wales One of our supporters from Newport said “Our GP could see we were struggling (after our son’s type 1 diabetes diagnosis) so asked if we had been in contact with JDRF, the type 1 diabetes charity. To be honest, we had never heard of JDRF but we were eager to get in touch because of our son’s care needs. I felt I had taken on this diagnosis myself.


As soon as I had made the call to JDRF I felt the weight lift off my shoulders. I was now speaking to people who knew exactly how I felt and I felt supported straight away and comforted that I could ring for support and advice.

JDRF have also guided us in getting our son his CGM (continuous glucose monitor) that he wears on the back of his arm. This alarms us to high and low blood glucose levels so we feel assured as something is always watching over him. We can now sleep at night!

JDRF have helped us as a family immensely. They are also relentlessly researching for a cure for type 1 diabetes to relieve people living with the condition from the daily injections they endure just to stay alive.

JDRF also advise on what technology is available to lift that burden so life can feel more normal again.

Newport County AFC have been our club for years and our son has followed them up and down the country to watch the team. Since his diagnosis this has not been possible, but we are getting there! For us as a family, to see the charity on the front of the shirt would be amazing. It will also raise awareness to any newly diagnosed families in the area so they too can be supported and not feel overwhelmed. On a larger scale, it’s raising funds for the charity so that they can continue to fund vital research and one day our son will be free of injections."We would like to increase our presence in Newport. This campaign is helping us to reach newly diagnosed individuals and families, as well as people affected by type 1 diabetes who may not have heard of JDRF before.

We would like to hold a Discovery Day in the area in the future. The Discovery Day programme is an expansion of JDRF’s support and information

focus allowing our supporters to:

• Meet new people with a connection to type 1

• Listen to presentations about the latest cure, treat and prevent research from leading scientist and diabetes specialists

• Find out how to get involved with JDRF

• Learn more about the support and information JDRF offers


In the midst of lockdown, we have started Virtual Discovery Events, where you can hear all about our latest research and what we are working on here at JDRF safely from home. You can find out more on jdrf.org.uk/discover or if there is anything we can do for you, please contact us on wales@jdrf.org.uk.

Please #VOTEJDRF as it's a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of type 1 diabetes and the work we do to keep improving lives until we find the cure. If donations exceed £40,000 as part of the crowdfunding campaign, 50% of any additional donations will be shared equally between the three charities nominated which includes JDRF UK.