the bigger picture gallery

With support from local company Pure Vans, NCAFC were delighted to welcome volunteers and families from Charity 'The Bigger Picture' at our recent home match against Cheltenham.

Striker Adebayo Azeez who spent time with all of the families on matchday said:

"What the Bigger Picture do for their community is amazing; some families aren’t as fortunate as some of us and it was really humbling spending time and chatting to the team down there  and to see how happy they make all families is priceless and really puts life in perspective.  It was a pleasure to host them at the New Years game against Cheltenham and again shows the togetherness we have not just a a club but as a city."

Carys Jones from the Bigger Picture said:

"Our families and volunteers at The Bigger Picture Community Hub based in Pill were given an amazing opportunity to celebrate New Years Day in a way we wouldn’t otherwise have the privilege of experiencing, courtesy of Newport County AFC's Football Team. We were treated like VIPs for the home game, we felt so welcome and taken care of. Thank you for collecting us and taking good care of our large group! Such a fun opportunity, having an outing together. Thank you!"

Lewis Quinney from Pure Vans said:

“It was our pleasure to donate 4 tickets for the Newport County AFC’s New Year’s game to the Bigger Picture so they could take families to watch. Christmas can be a very stressful time for some who are not as fortunate as others and we hope that these tickets put a smile on these families faces. The continued support from the Bigger Picture in their community is fantastic, keep up the great work!”