club statement leicester postponement

Everyone associated with Newport County AFC was disappointed by last night's postponement of our Leasing.Com Trophy Quarter Final against Leicester City U21s due to a frozen pitch.

In particular, the Club shares the disappointment of both sets of supporters who attended the match.

Despite frost covers being placed on the Rodney Parade pitch since NCAFC's win against Swindon Town on Saturday and the pitch firstly being deemed playable by the referee following an inspection upon his arrival to the stadium 5pm the condition of parts of the playing surface deteriorated when both sets of players came out to warm up and further concerns were then expressed. 

In view of the deteriorating conditions and concerns regarding parts of th pitch, a further inspection took place by the match officials at 6.30pm and the pitch was deemed unplayable. 

Ultimately, player safety must be prioritised above all other factors and the decision was taken by the referee after consulting with both managers to postpone the match to prevent any possible danger.

Supporters are encouraged to keep purchased tickets for this match as they will be valid for the re-arranged fixture.

Once the re-arranged date has been announced, details of how supporters with purchased tickets for last night can obtain a refund if they are unable to attend the new fixture will then be communicated.