blue monday post 1920

Today is Blue Monday, so-called as it is said to be the most depressing day of the year.

The date has been calculated by using many factors, including: weather conditions, debt, time since Christmas, time since starting and possibly failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling of a need to take action.

However, NCAFC would like to remind everyone connected with the Club that initiatives are in place to support and help you. 

There are a few events happening in the area to provide support, including one from Charity 'The Bigger Picture'

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You can book by contacting the volunteers on Instagram, Facebook or email at

If you do feel the need to speak to anyone or have concerns for others, please contact one of the following organisations who have connections locally:

Samaritans Newport; Text 116 123 at anytime

Newport Mind; 01633 258741

My Discombobulated Brain

David Cotterill Foundation

Hafal; 01633 264763

Alternatively, you can call Gwent Primary Care Mental Health Support Services on 0330 053 5596 for help from our local NHS Provider.

If you have urgent concerns for someone’s life please refer to NHS Website or call the emergency services if there is an imminent threat to life then call 999"

Don’t forget that Thursday sees My Discombobulated Brain's 1st Mental Health drop in at Bar Amber between 4:30 and 6:30pm – anyone can attend whether you need signposting for support, you are someone who wants to share their story to help others or just need some socialisation.

Stay well, Exiles!