Dolan post lcfc leasing win

Matty Dolan believes County’s 1-0 victory in the Leasing.Com Trophy against Leicester City U21s was a performance full of positives.

Scot Bennett’s goal in the 13th minute was enough to see off a spirited young Leicester side and carry County through to a semi-final with Salford City.

Speaking after the match, Dolan said, “I think we played well first half. Obviously we were up against it second half, but we got the job done in the end and obviously we’re into the semis now.

Dolan was also impressed with the level of performance from the opposition, “I think they’re very good, all credit to them. I think if you look at the results they’ve had to get to where they are, they’ve had some real good scalps.

“We did our work on them, realised they are a very good side and I think they showed that second half, but I think we defended well, obviously got the goal to start with.

The match also saw returns to the squad for Daniel Leadbitter and Kyle Howkins, which Dolan believes could be key for the rest of the season, “It’s brilliant to see Leads back, Kyle back properly and people who haven’t been playing as much.

“It’s a great chance to put yourself in the managers plans.”

Victory now means another fixture in a crowded upcoming schedule, however the midfielder doesn’t see it as a disadvantage, rather as a positive, “The lads love it.

If you can take the confidence from tonight, even Plymouth I think we were probably hard done by, and the win on Tuesday against Macclesfield, it all builds momentum and as long as we keep performing we can put a run together.

“We’ll take each game by game, they’re coming thick and fast, if we can keep the momentum and keep performing then I’m sure we’ll have a good February.