bigger picture academy bag pack gallery

The NCAFC Academy recently visited ASDA Pill and helped customers pack their shopping to help raise money for local Newport-based charity 'The Bigger Picture' raising £563.06 for those in need.

The money raised will be used to purchase a washing machine and tumble dryer to support the families using the charity The Bigger Picture, crucial appliances at this time of year to those in need that simply wouldn't have access to them otherwise. 

Ben Stait, a Youth Development Phase Coach from the NCAFC Academy said: “We are continually looking for ways in which our players can improve their life and social skills, as we strongly believe that developing the person will enhance their holistic development as a footballer.

When the opportunity arose to help such a fantastic cause in The Bigger Picture, we couldn’t wait to be involved as in doing so, we place our players out of their comfort zone socially, whilst simultaneously supporting the local community.

The player’s conducted themselves excellently and received many compliments from Asda customers and staff members, which is really pleasing and shows the benefit of the event.

In just four hours, we managed to raise over half a grand, which will go a real long way in supporting the charity and help so many people within Newport.

Thank you to everybody for their donations and we look forward to supporting future community events”.

Liz Burden Community Officer from Pillgwellny ASDA said: "It was a pleasure to have the NCAFC Academy Squad in store, fundraising for the bigger picture based on our doorstep in Pillgwenlly.

Great team effort raising £563.06, thank you to our very generous customers and colleagues at Asda Pillgwenlly.”

Carys Jones from the chairty The Bigger Picture said: "The Bigger Picture is a community project based in Pillgwenlly; supporting, providing opportunities and growth for families in the city through activities, support groups as a way of empowering each other to a great future.

We are overwhelmed with the amount of funds raised by the caring team of Newport County. The Academy boys at Newport County spent their afternoon helping us keep our sessions running at our base by raising a high amount of funds through bag packing at Asda Pillgwenlly.

This fund will help us with delivering activities at our hub base. A huge thank you to the boys as well as thanking Asda Pillgwenlly for supporting us as a local community project by allowing Newport County Academy to bag pack at the store for the day. We really appreciate you and all of your support!"