#SOSCTD | "Helping out with the Cwmbran Dinosaur bucket collection was one of my most memorable days volunteering for JDRF, the type 1 diabetes charity"

As we prepare to enter the final week of the Newport County AFC Crowdfunder campaign, we will be sharing more information about each charity.

This highlights the work of JDRF.

Newport County AFC fan Hannah - who is a student nurse and JDRF supporter - expresses why she's supporting the Save Our Shirt campaign and voting for JDRF.

"I have been a JDRF UK volunteer for over four years," said Hannah.

"And have attended many JDRF fundraising events including the One Walk Cardiff sponsored walk, the One Fun Run Cardiff obstacle course, the Cwmbran Dinosaur bucket collection at the Cwmbran Big Event and sponsored runs, to name but a few.

"We were also due to climb Snowdon in June for JDRF but unfortunately this has been postponed until next year due to the current COVID crisis.

"The life-size dinosaur model was auctioned to raise funds for JDRF by the National Showcaves Centre for Wales, and bought by Jerry Adams from Cwmbran who then placed ‘Alun’ the Allosaurus in his front garden. The dinosaur and Jerry became local celebrities and we had a great afternoon holding a bucket collection at the Cwmbran Big Event with the dinosaur model on tour attracting lots of people over. We were able to raise awareness and vital funds for type 1 diabetes research."

She added: "The reason I support JDRF is through my connection to type 1 diabetes which originated when my best friend Miranda was diagnosed with type 1 whilst we were in university, several years ago. Although I was aware of the condition, it wasn’t until this point that I realised the long-term impacts it can have on an individual’s life. Studying nursing and utilising JDRF’s resources has definitely increased my knowledge on this since.

"I began volunteering alongside Miranda, who is the JDRF Wales regional fundraiser, and have always enjoyed the events I have attended. 

"There is a real sense of community at the events and it is clear that everyone has the same goal; to help fund JDRF in their efforts to improve the lives of individuals and families living with type 1 diabetes.

"Please #VOTEJDRF in the Newport County AFC Save Our Shirt campaign to help this important charity get on the front of our home shirt.”

You can find out more about type 1 diabetes here - https://jdrf.org.uk/information-support/about-type-1-diabetes/

You can pledge your support and #VOTEJDRF here - https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/ncafc