Home shirt sponsor

Newport County AFC are delighted to announce that Alzheimer’s Society Cymru will be the main sponsors on the front of the Exiles’ first-team home shirt for the 2020/21 season.

As a supporter-owned football club, we wanted to involve fans with the front of shirt sponsorship for next season and also help raise awareness of one of the fantastic charities in our community – many of whom are struggling financially due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Anti-bullying charity Kidscape, JDRF: The type 1 diabetes charity, and Alzheimer’s Society Cymru were the three chosen charities that supporters were able to vote for over the last eight weeks while donating to our #SaveOurShirtContinues crowdfunder.

Newport County AFC would like to thank everyone who donated to our crowdfunder campaign, which was launched on Wednesday 17th June. After appealing to raise £40,000 for next season’s home shirt sponsorship, your outstanding contributions helped us surpass that figure. Overall, your generous donations helped us raise £42,100 with 50% of the excess being donated equally to the three charities. 

Alzheimer’s Society Cymru will now feature on the front of the Exiles’ home shirt for the upcoming season. The charity campaigns for change, funds research to find a cure, and supports people living with dementia today. Inspired by your voices, they’re leading the way in support, society and research. They are calling on everyone to unite. Working together, they are hoping to achieve their vision - a world without dementia.

Emma Butler, community fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society Cymru, said: “Alzheimer’s Society Cymru has a significant role to play in supporting not only those with dementia but also their families and carers. We rely on the generosity of individuals and organisations like Newport County AFC to enable our charity to continue its work. The support from the club is fantastic, not only in raising money but also helping us in our aim to raise awareness about dementia and we are really grateful to be the new shirt sponsors."

Miranda Burdett, Wales Regional Fundraiser for JDRF, said: “Being part of the Newport County AFC 'Save Our Shirt Continues' campaign has given us a wonderful platform to raise awareness of type 1 diabetes and highlight the work we do at JDRF, the type 1 diabetes charity. Covid-19 will change many things in the near future, but it won't change our fight to cure type 1 diabetes. Being part of the campaign during this difficult time has been a fantastic opportunity.  The team at Newport County AFC and the fans have been so supportive. We are looking forward to continuing to work with the club in building our profile and presence in Newport over the years. Approximately 18,000 people in Wales are currently living with type 1 diabetes including 9-year-old Ruby Halpin who is a huge Newport County AFC fan. We would like to say a huge thank you to Ruby and her family for being our 'face' of the campaign by making videos, having interviews and blogging about JDRF."

Ashley Rolfe, digital marketing and communications manager for Kidscape, said: “Obviously we're incredibly saddened to not win the charity sponsorship. The exposure for Kidscape would have been huge. We have thoroughly enjoyed being involved with this incredible fundraiser, and for the opportunity to share our vision of a world free from bullying and harm. The support from the Newport community and from the passionate supporters of the club has been overwhelming. From the exposure of the crowdfunder, we've seen our presence in Wales grow and we're seeing more and more families in Wales reach out for our help with a bullying situation. Congratulations to Alzheimer’s Society Cymru and we wish you every success in the future." 

Newport County AFC Chairman, Gavin Foxall, said: “Thank you to all those that generously donated to the crowdfunder campaign. The support has been fantastic. Congratulations to Alzheimer’s Society Cymru who will be proudly displayed on the front of our home shirt for the forthcoming season. We will continue to develop our relationship with Kidscape who have been supporting the club during lockdown. In addition, we welcome JDRF to the Newport County AFC family and look forward to working with them. Thanks again to everyone for all their continued support.”

The new 2020/21 home shirt will be launched on the week commencing 1 September 2020.