World suicide prevention day awareness

Football not only has the power to make and transform lives, but also save lives.

By the time the final whistle blows on a Sunday league match or a Super Sunday Premier League fixture, 84 men will have committed suicide that week.

Those statistics are shocking and unacceptable. That’s why Welsh Assembly Member Jack Sargeant says he is delighted to be working with football clubs across Wales to raise awareness of suicide and the types of support available to people of all ages.

Last week Jack visited an NCAFC training session in Newport and met with Manager Michael Flynn and several members of the squad to talk about his campaign and the benefits of talking about how you feel.


The Alyn and Deeside member said: “September 10th also marks Suicide Awareness Day. The awareness day is an opportunity for us all to work together to prevent suicide.

“There will be lots of activities taking place during the day to raise awareness, so keep an eye out for the #WSPD hashtag on social media.

“Many of us that struggle with mental health know it’s quite often our thoughts that cause mote pain than any physical object ever could.

“People are more ready to talk about the mental health today than in the last, but there’s no doubt that the issue of mental health and suicide is now a national crisis.

“After the final whistle of this game, if you are worried about a friend or family member, reach out. If you are struggling yourself, there’s people out there ready to help.

“Let’s work together for better mental health and suicide prevention.” 


CALM – 0300 58 58 58 Helpline and web chat available 5pm to midnight every day

SAMARITANS – 116 123

MAYTREE – 020 7263 7070 A sanctuary for the suicidal

MIND – 0300 123 3393 Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm