rodney parade cashless

County supporters are advised that all Rodney Parade bars are now cashless for the 2019/20 season, with only card or mobile payment now accepted at the venue.

Rodney Parade is striving to deliver the best possible fan experience, so starting with the next home SkyBet League Two game against Exeter City on Saturday September 21st, all bars within the stadium will no longer accept cash.

Programme sales and all food outlets will still all remain cash-only inside the stadium. The marquee adjacent to the stadium will also be cash-only, depending on the stall.

The venue has operated cashless payment since the start of the season for away football supporters travelling to Rodney Parade, and this is now being rolled out across the stadium.

Going cashless will increase the speed of service, meaning shorter queue times.

All major contactless debit and credit cards will be accepted, with chip and pin applying for purchases over £30. Mobile payments, including Apple Pay and Google Pay will also be able to be used.



Supporters should be aware the although the above change is being made inside Rodney Parade for the bars, supporters will still be able to purchase tickets with cash at our Rodney Parade Ticket Office and this will not be affected.