NCAFC join with mdb on wmhd

It’s time to start the conversation about Mental Health.

NCAFC want to be part of the solution and not the problem which is why we have pledged to start the conversation about mental health as a club.

Please start the conversation about mental health with a friend, family member or professional so that we can work together to remove this stigma and taboo that surrounds it.

1 in 4 people in Wales have mental health issues, that’s three quarters of a million people and these problems cost in excess of £7.2 billion annually. It’s a topic that affects us all, so why is there such a stigma that makes discussing our worries taboo, especially amongst men?

Suicide is a leading cause of death, particularly among young people. Each year about 300 people in Wales die from suicide; this is about twice the number killed in road accidents.

Mental Health can create exclusion and isolation even in today’s age of communication and social media. This has to be put right. Football can play a part in this change; a physical exercise that promotes team play, helping one another out and being honest and supportive of each team member.

We want to encourage you to contact the County in the Community Team if you feel that either of these teams could help you and increase your mental wellbeing.

You are guaranteed some exercise, social integration and to enjoy some banter, no matter what level your game is at. You can find details on these sessions on the Community Team's website by clicking HERE.

For details of people that you can contact if you need to talk in confidence if you have any concerns for yourself or others please click the link to My Discombobulated Brain’s website HERE.

It’s time to start the conversation about Mental Health.