Wellbeing Wednesday 6th Nov

Newport County AFC are pleased to announced that we have signed up to the Mental Health Charter for Sports and Recreation.

Click here to view an online PDF version of the charter.

The Charter is a statement of intent and commitment to improve mental health at the club including players, staff and volunteers, but also in our community.

NCAFC are the first League Two Club to commit to the charter and only the 4th Club in the entire EFL to sign up, along with Burton Albion, Fulham and Reading FC. 

Upon signing up the club made three pledges to help improve mental health using our sport and status as one of 71 EFL Members; these are:

  1. Work with key stakeholders in the city to promote wellbeing & support in the wider community
  2. Creating a regular message about Mental Health to provide support and ideas to combat issues
  3. Working in Partnership with national and local charities/campaigns to create awareness and a positive message to improve mental wellbeing

In addition to these pledges the club has produced an Action Plan to outline some of the strategies including support from County in the Community, EFL Partner Mind and My Discombobulated Brain.

Director Colin Faulkner recently met with the city’s MPs, AMs and Cllr Kate Thomas (NCC Mental Health Champion) to discuss the plan and THEIR support of the commitment made by Newport County; it was met with unanimous approval.

To make a public declaration of this commitment an official signing ceremony will be held at the Civic Centre after the General Election in December where Club Chairman Gavin Foxall will sign on behalf of the club with the aforementioned key stakeholders in the city and the new Leader of the Council.

The Action Plan outlines commitments already in place but includes a new Military Veterans Support Group facilitated by the club.

Director Ryan Courtney will be facilitating the peer lead group through Bar Amber which will be used a meeting place for Veterans in the city allowing them a safe place to make new friends as well as reconnect with older friends that they have served with.

If you would like to get involved or you know someone who could benefit from it, please contact Ryan through his details in the attached plan; if you prefer your local military liaison Officer can make enquiries on your behalf.

If you feel that you or anyone else could benefit from any of the other proposals, please reach out to the appropriate people on the contact details in the attached plan.

If you are part of a sports organisation either national or at grass roots level and would like more information on the Charter and how to sign up, please contact Colin Faulkner at equality@newport-county.co.uk