efl day of action 2019 summary piece

This #EFLDayOfAction, we're highlighting two individual aspects of the brilliant work done week in week out by the Club making it a central part of the community of Newport.

We Wear The Same Shirt

Just over two and a half years ago, Norman Parselle and the rest of the County in the Community team set up the programme which lasts for just over an hour every week, targeted adults who are living with a mental health condition.

The sessions are all about having fun and is free of charge to attend.

You will get a friendly welcome, a chance of a kick about and if you’re lucky a cup of tea and a biscuit.

For more information contact Norman Parselle on community@newport-county.co.uk or go to www.wewearthesameshirt.org

Take a look at a video of how a session runs and find out more about Ambassador Dan Butler, who was awarded EFL PFA Sky Bet League Two Player in the Community Award, and how he got involved with the sessions, by clicking here.


Walking Football Sessions

The County in the Community also hold weekly Walking Football Sessions for all age groups. 

The Group has grown steadily over the past 18 months, with the first session taking place back in 2015. It takes place every Tuesday at Llanwern High School and the cost is £3.

Walking Football is designed to help people get fit or maintain an active lifestyle, regardless of their age and fitness level.

Walking football can also help people get back into football if they have given it up due to age or injury due to the pace of the game.

Walking football also offers social benefits with participants meeting and interacting with new people.

Sound interesting? For more information contact Norman on community@newport-county.co.uk or go to http://www.countyinthecommunity.co.uk

Take a look at a video of how a session runs as well a behind the scenes view of the action by clicking here.

These are just two examples of the brilliant work County in the Community offer, for more information on ore of their initiatives such as:

  • Premier League Kicks
  • Premier League Girls
  • Soccer Camps
  • Soccer Tots
  • Community Festivals 
  • Futsal

As well as much, much more! Please visit their website by clicking here and follow their social media accounts by clicking here.