19/20 Accessibility Form

In line with our updated Accessibility Policy, Supporters who wish to purchase a match ticket including the 'free assistant' option should be aware of the following information.

All disabled supporters that also wish to secure a parking space for the 2019/20 campaign must fill in the relevant forms below.
If any Supporters who have supplied evidence previously that's been recorded on the system and the DWP (Department of Pensions)
award they provided has not expired, then they do not need to provide evidence again, as they will already be registered via the Club. 
If you have not previously completed that form, click here to download it as a PDF.
The eligibility criteria for the Assistant is the same as last year, read that here.
NCAFC have made several changes to our Accessibility Policy for the upcoming season, click here to read the full PDF.
Parking requests must be submitted by Friday August 2nd at 9am and no new requests will be reviewed until November, and then the next window in February 2020.
Please note if you had parking allocated last year, this does not guarantee a parking spot this year.
Please email fanfeedback@newport-county.co.uk to register your interest in requesting a disabled parking space, FAO our Supporter Liason Officer Ben Jones.