justin edinburgh inducted in to HOF

Former Manager Justin Edinburgh has today been posthumously inducted in to NCAFC's Hall of Fame following his tragic death in June 2019.

The Newport County AFC Hall of Fame was introduced by the Club’s historian, the late Andrew Taylor, and it is with his family’s blessing that this tradition will continue.
The Club are delighted to announce that it resumes with the induction of our late manager Justin Edinburgh who indeed was a legend and deserved to be awarded this honour for guiding us to return to the EFL and helping us realise our dreams as a professional football club.

The Hall of Fame inductees were previously chosen by Andrew and a small select committee, it is the clubs intention that future inductees will be chosen in the same way, and that there will be 2-3 new inductees every season.

Please see below the full NCAFC Hall of Fame list of those ex-players, managers, staff and club stalwarts who have now been given this honour:

Tommy Tynan

John Relish

Kevin Moore

David Williams

Chris Lilygreen

Roddy Jones

Ken Morgan

Albert Derrick Snr

Keith Oakes

Craig Reid

Nathan Davies

Mark Price

Tony Gilbert

Len Weare

Norman Parselle

Graham Coldrick

Gary Plumley

David Pipe

Christian Jolley

David Hando

Richard Walden

Steve Lowndes

Andrew Taylor

Justin Edinburgh