player nandos visit friars walk

Jamille Matt, Mark O’Brien, Ade Azeez, Matty Dolan, Mickey Demetriou, Tom King and Nick Townsend met lots of members of the 'Amber Army' at Friars Walk yesterday, as part of the Shopping Centre's weekly, free community initiative.

Click here to find out more about Friars Walk's 'Around the World' initiative and how you can get involved.

Nandos Newport also got involved as the world-tour specifically focused on Portugal, with the Newport Centre branch organising free samples of the Portuguese inspired chicken for both members of the public and players alike to enjoy!

All of the players enjoyed chatting to supporters, posing for photos, as well as joining in with some of the fun football activities themselves. 

Roger Bannister, a life long County fan and Newport's longest-serving working adult with learning difficulties, was also in attendance as part of Flexible Options' visit to Friars Walk.

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Roger met several of his favourite County players. It looks like he is having a great time saying hello to Matty Dolan and Mark O'Brien here!

Visit the Friars Walk website for more information.