Villa Dino Coaching

Things were a little different at Villa Dino's training session this week!

The U16 and U13 Villa Dino teams were in for a big suprise when they arrived for training this week as they found that Pure Vans had organised for Newport County AFC players Dan Butler, Josh Sheehan, and Mark Harris to be their coaches for the evening!

Dan Butler led the session with assistance from the Sheehan and Harris and the young players were delighted to meet and learn from proffessional footballers.

The training session came about as Newport County AFC sponsors Pure Vans look to help put something back into Grass Roots Football in Newport.

Dan Butler said: “It’s great to get out and meet supporters and potential supporters at things like this.  Me and the boys don’t usually get to do the coaching so it’s a nice change for us too.  It was great meeting all the kids too – hopefully, we’ve just helped create some more County fans, or even future County players!”

The Club's Commercial Manager, Alex Eagle, added: "Pure Vans are an excellent supporter of Newport County AFC and it's great that the Club have been able to support them with this wonderful opportunity for young footballers in our community.  I look forward to working with Pure Vans on more projects going forward."

Watch Training: